To quit smoking cigarettes may seem like a simple goal for some people, but as many smokers know (myself included), it’s easy enough to talk about quitting cigarettes, but actually doing so can be much more difficult.

Best Web Design Examples

Web design has become a very very competitive industry. To create the best web design, you have to be absolutely spot-on. And to be spot, to be up to the mark, you need good inspiration. I’ve categorized these best web design examples, I’m sure this post will be very useful for you if you are a web […]

Imagine that problem on a massive scale, though: working at a research institute, and trying to keep up with constantly growing power of the behemoths known as supercomputers.

Mobile Website Design

Web Design is the key for starting your Online Business, it was true. Knowing the purpose of the site, planning, start designing, etc.

Increase Traffic to Your Website Looking for ways to increase traffic to your website, instagram, or twitter? Check out these quick, easy steps to help boost your website’s daily followers. Small improvements to your webpage, such as adding easily accessible social media links, or starting a newsletter/mailing list for dedicated fans, can drastically increase your […]

Infographic: Music on the job – what music to listen to on the job?

There are over 44 different image formats in existence. With so many available, it can be very confusing and difficult to know which one is best.

I Wear Zule

Web Design Portfolio for I Wear Zule – Celana Chino Bandung, fashion online store website from Bandung Indonesia. Made with Wordpress CMS and WooCommerce Plugin.

Car Tech Countdown to 2018 [Infographic] Via: L and L Automotive Our world keeps advancing at an incredible pace, day in and day out, year after year; what’s even more incredible is that we seem to always be expanding and growing faster than we were before. Anyone reading this has likely seen a technological breakthrough […]

There are incredible photography cheat sheets for not just learning and master photographers as well.

The concept of responsive web design, started by Ethan Marcotte, is that our web layouts should respond to the user’s device.

These jQuery typography plugins can help you to create awesome looking websites using only typography.

Website Redesign for Small Business, some infographic for your company to enhance web design and how to redesign.

The most suitable and ideal fonts for web that render on all browsers, OS and devices beautifully.

Latest Trends in Web Design 2018, some infographic that show us a good point of view for web designing in this day.