Gotta love movie posters! I mean, the fan-made ones, because Hollywood has been doing the same posters for the past decades and it’s being really annoying to see such similar posters. That’s why I love fan-made, minimalistic posters.
These were curated by Caelin, from Minimal Movie Posters. She’s from Australia and she sure got a taste for nice posters. I love every single one of these, and for more you should check her Tumblr out. Really worth following her. Which one is your favorite? Cheers. 😉
Andres Asencio

Joel Amat Güell

Dave Hooper

Joel Amat Güell

Daniel Norris

Maria Kaner

Jeremy Burns


Alex Krofchak

Maria Kaner

Conor Whelan

Sam Coyne


Daniel Norris

Sean Brown

Linda Hordijk

Daniel Norris



Jason Heatherly



Ollie Boyd

Daniel Norris

Bruce Yan

Daniel Norris


Mike Horowitz

Needle Design

Daniel Norris

Daniel Norris

About the author
Hello, everyone! I’m Paulo Gabriel, designer from Porto Alegre, Brazil, born in 1984. I have worked as a webdesigner since 2006, but websites and blogs have been a hobby for me since 1999. Here in Abduzeedo, I try to bring only the hot stuff for you… and hope that all of you enjoy my posts! For more cool stuff, you may also follow me on Twitter.
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